凱龍星與生理學 作者 Adam Gainsburg



    或許,神聖創傷在我們生理上有其對應的位置。神聖創傷或新生兒前意識發展階段(9-11個月齡)的最初,或許會在枕骨下方(頸部的上段,顱骨下緣)或是內部區域顯現,其理由如下: 腦幹是身體最基本的構造,它調節非自主的功能,如呼吸,血壓,心率以及基本的肢體動作能力,它位在小腦後面以及下方,實際存在於受到上頸椎保護的區域內。腦科及脊椎外科醫生通常不大願意在小腦開刀,因為那裡聚集了巨量的神經。腦幹被理解為代表某種特殊相關的功能,或是維持身體基本存活的原始本能(R‧A‧S或腦部網狀刺激系統),它是母體懷孕中期最早開始在胎兒腦部成形(也就是將來會形成的)的組織之一,在某種意義上,這個區域變成是隱含的、生存原始本能機制的位置,所以,它對我們的體內平衡是至關重要的。





    從本命星盤裡的凱龍星徵象,顯示出一個可信的系統,能準確地詮釋身體與心靈的錯綜複雜能量,在最初之際的神聖創傷經驗(9-11個月大)產生一個關於身體創傷的線索。 這可以應用在凱龍星的過運以及二次推運,在靈魂占星裡,我們總是努力的去「讀取」身體的創傷或疾病發展的原因,以便理解那體現在靈魂層面的前後關聯。也可以透過凱龍星的星座、宮位以及相位,一點一滴觀察出那劇烈的挑戰與深層的原因。

尾註: 1. 自我認同,是由我們認識自己為個人的五種基本方式所組成:自我、人格面具、身心、心靈或身體現實、身體、以及命運認同模式(關於自己的無意識角色與假設)。



亞當.甘斯伯格(Adam Gainsburg) 從2002年起從事私人占星顧問與諮商。亞當同時也是著名的作家、講師和教師。他的「靈魂符號占星」(Soulsign Astrology)網站強調我們的星盤直接提供實證,使人覺得占星學是個易親近的、鮮活的例證,且能自由地揮灑生命。亞當也是「天空占星學會議」(Sky Astrology Conferences)網站的共同創始人,該平台讓現代占星師有機會重新接觸占星學的本質—實證的天象。《金星之光(THE LIGHT OF VENUS)》是亞當最有名的著作,提出石破天驚的天文元素綜合論—如:行星的速度、近地點與亮度—結合當代心理靈魂方法,及心理中心論的觀點。亞當同時也擁有並經營「勇敢占星軟體」(Intrepid Astrology Software),世界唯一同時能在Mac和PC運算的專業占星專業軟體。他在2017年NCGR年會上發表演講,講題是:「不是所有的合相都一樣」(All Conjunctions Are Not Created Equal),在會上他運用視覺呈現不同的合相狀況,星盤解釋上也會有所不同。

以上內容得到亞當.甘斯伯格(Adam Gainsburg) 授權允以翻譯,並取自他所著的《凱龍——深層開放心靈的智慧》(Chiron, the Wisdom of a Deeply Open Heart )。 此書由靈魂占星出版社出版, 可自SoulsignPublishing.com 與 Amazon.com 網站購得。







譯者:瑪碁斯(Maki S. Zhai)老師Chendi 陳芊勻 老師Rosa老師


Chiron & Physiology

Adam Gainsburg

The ideas presented in this article arise from much counseling work on the Sacred Wound in individuals and couples. They are presented only as intriguing possibilities at this time. For a complete description of the Sacred Wound, in order to understand the information in this article properly, see my book on the subject, linked to at the end of this article.

It may be that there is a physiological location of the Sacred Wound. The Sacred Wound or opening of the infant’s pre-conscious state (at age 9 – 11 months) may physiologically manifest just below and interior to the occipital region (upper back of the neck, below the cranium). The rationale for this is as follows.

The brain stem is the regulator of the body’s most basic, involuntary functions like respiration, blood pressure, heart rate and basic motor skills. It is located posterior and below the cerebellum and actually resides within the protection of the upper cervical spine. Brain and spine surgeons are quite resistant to operating on the brain stem due to the huge number of nerves which congregate there. The stem is understood to represent species- related functions, or the primal instincts that keep the basic physical self alive (ie., the R.A.S. or Reticular Activating System), It is one of the very first formations that begins to form in the (what will later become the) head of the fetus during the second trimester. In a sense, this area becomes the location of implicit, primal survival mechanisms and thus it is vital for our body’s homeostasis.

For this reason, the brain stem also has been seen by early psychologists as the physical location of the non-physical ego. I sometimes refer to the ego as the root chakra of Identity1 as it is our subconscious command center for instinctual – physical and emotional – self- protection. Just as the ego is responsible for keeping us (feeling) emotionally safe, the brain stern is responsible for keeping us physically alive.

The location of the brain stem is physiologically book-ended by the rigid protective skull above and the concavity of the cervical spine below. Where one is fixed, the other is flexible. Where one protects dogmatically, the other can respond fluidly. Their meeting point is a strange threshold of contrasting anatomical realities. l have observed that this region will often be chronically weak or troublesome in many people for whom Chiron is prominent (either natally or by transit) and for whom the wound has gone largely unaddressed. Perhaps with research we may find a correlation between Chiron-induced psychological weakness and insufficient development in this area of the body brought on by hereditary predisposition (karma), illness or injury.

The anatomical coherence or strength between the upper cervical vertebrae as it joins the cranium may correlate to the level of integration of the initial sacred wound experience within the body. With the right lens of perception, this strikingly matches the orbital home of asteroid/comet Chiron, balanced between rigid Saturn and free Uranus. In this we are reminded that the natural evolution of a human being must include the psychoid (psychic + physical) split or wounding and is not in any way an abnormality or tragedy, so often argued in light-polarized or “new age” literature.

The sign, house and aspects of natal Chiron can in fact indicate physiologic as well as psychic wounds which relate specifically to the formation and later integration of egoic function (balanced sense of self and maintaining perceived safety). From Chiron’s natal signature emerges a dependable system of accurately interpreting the intricate energetics of the body/mind which produces clues about physical woundings at the time of the initial Sacred Wound experience (9-ll months of age). This can also be applied to later-in-life Chiron transits and progressions. ln Soulsign Astrology, we always strive to “read” the evolutionary reasons for a physical trauma or disease in order to understand the Soul-level context for that manifestation. Both the manifestation of an acute challenge and its deeper causes can of course be gleaned by the signs, houses and aspects of Chiron that apply to the situation in question.


1 Self-Identity is composed of the five basic ways through which we know ourselves as individuals: ego; persona; body-mind, psyche or somatic reality; physical body; and karmic identity patterns (unconscious roles and assumptions about oneself)


Chiron, the Wisdom of a Deeply Open Heart Adam Gainsburg

“The deeply open heart is the Heart that feels life and does not protect us from it, the Heart passionately and equally open to both the pain of loss and the joy of connection without resistance. It is the Heart that knows that both are ultimately, itself.” – Adam Gainsburg



Includes a general and refreshing exploration of astrological polarity in light of leading insights into the nature of evolving consciousness; a look at the meaning of Chiron’s glyph; Chiron through the signs and houses; in‐depth examinations of the sacred wound, sacred medicine, broken‐open heart and medicine‐walk archetypes; the karmic implications of Chironic placement; Chiron retrograde; and the popular article, “The Chiron‐Moon Connection.”