金融占星與太陽向點 作者:克麗絲汀.史金納

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本文為作者Christeen Skinner 專為 美國NCGR占星研究協會 台灣分會提供,並授權翻譯刊登。


1.太陽活動 (Solar Activity)



2. 太陽向點 (the Solar Apex)

我們整個太陽系是在移動的。在你閱讀本段文章的時間內,整個太陽系的太陽、地球、行星、衛星、小行星,以及其他積聚的碎片將行進3600公里。從方向角度看,太陽系似乎是朝著太陽向點的方向移動: 織女星(Vega)的西南方。



太陽360度的視路徑是從這個點開始被衡量,並以小時和分鐘來描述;而太陽向點則位在赤經 大約18個小時的地方,是對應摩羯座1度的位置。


行進緩慢的行星(土星,天王星,海王星,冥王星和新發現的厄里斯)通過這個重要的點時導致了強勁的市場動向。 2011年3月12日,當天王星通過了這個度數時(地心觀點),正如下圖所示:







2018年3月Christeen Skinner版權所有

本文為作者Christeen Skinner 專為 美國NCGR占星研究協會 台灣分會提供,並授權翻譯刊登。

作者介紹:克麗絲汀.史金納(CHRISTEEN SKINNER)

克麗絲汀是倫敦城市觀點公司(Cityscopes London Ltd)總監,該公司為預測未來趨勢的公司。客戶遍及銀行界、商界、企業界等。講座範圍廣及商業占星,德拉古、泛音、中點與時事占星技巧等。克麗絲汀是優拉妮亞信託受託人,亞麗珊卓雅雲端基地計畫的總監,並擔任NCGR顧問團主席。著有金錢符號(Money Signs, 1998年出版)、財金宇宙(The Financial Universe, 2004年出版)、探索財金宇宙(Exploring the Financial Universe, 2016年出版)與財金宇宙的初學者指南(The Beginner’s Guide to the Financial Universe , 2017年出版)、財金宇宙導航(Navigating the Financial Universe)將於2018年出版。


本文翻譯:瑪碁斯老師  校閱:Rosa Wang老師



There are a few key building blocks that I wish had been aware of when I made my first foray into financial astrology two decades ago. They are as follows: –



Whatever the frequency of their trading, traders need to gauge potential volatility. In this respect, their first port of call should be to expected solar activity of any given period.

The Sun’s output is variable. It is perhaps unsurprising that bursts of energy in the Sun’s surface are often reflected in bursts of activity in the market place. Most people are familiar with the sunspots that appear on the Sun’s surface and the 11.2 year recognised rhythm associated with these. Those with keen interest in space weather, also pay attention to extra-ordinary bursts of energy known as Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) which have the potential to put satellites, terrestrial electric grids and information systems out of action and which, as a direct result, could bring chaos to the markets and, potentially, bring devastating financial loss to some individuals. Unlike the cycles of the orbiting planets, these CMEs can only be forecast a few days in advance and even then, vulnerable areas on Earth cannot be forecast with real accuracy.

Yet there is very useful information to be gathered from observations made by solar scientists. The term ‘radio flux’ is used to describe a solar rhythm that can be forecast for as much as 27 days in advance. When solar radio flux index rises above 50 there is increased market activity which gives valuable information to the frequent or daily trader.

This information can be found at www.spaceweather.com and is straightforward to use: when solar flux is high, then there is increased likelihood of market volatility. Some traders might prefer not to trade on these dates whereas others may alter their trading strategies to take account of the possibility of unusual conditions.


Our entire solar system is on the move. In the time taken to read this paragraph, the Sun, Earth, planets, moons, asteroids and other accumulated debris of the solar system  will have travelled 3600 km. In directional terms it seems that the Sun is headed toward the Solar Apex: a position slightly southwest of the star, Vega.

This might mean nothing to you. Consider though that astronomers have worked out a way of mapping the celestial skies. Just as geographers use latitude and longitude to map a place on Earth, so astronomers use devices to map the heavens. These key measurements are Right Ascension and declination (the latter to be discussed later in this chapter).

Whereas the familiar longitudes and latitudes we use to determine where we are on Earth are determined from Earth’s Equator and the 0 meridian at Greenwich, Right Ascension ‘begins’ at the crossing point of the Sun’s path (the ecliptic) with the celestial equator: a point otherwise known as the Vernal Equinox.  At this point in the Sun’s apparent journey around the Earth, it is measured as having zero degrees of Right Ascension.

The 360 degrees of the Sun’s path are measured from this point and described in terms of hours and minutes. The Solar Apex holds a position at approximately 18 hours of Right Ascension and is therefore in the first degree of Capricorn.

The entire solar system is headed toward a point that we term the Solar Apex which you can think of as an enormous magnet or compelling force.

The passage or transit of a slower moving planet (Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto and newly discovered Eris) across this important point has resulted in strong market moves. Uranus made passage of this degree on 12th March 2011 (geocentric perspective): coinciding with a sharp downward movement as can be seen below:

This next chart covers the most recent Saturn transit of this degree (again geocentrically): again coinciding with a decidedly negative few days of trading.

Saturn only crosses this degree every three decades and Uranus once every eight decades so that this information is not exciting news to the general trader. Even so, the fact that there was demonstrable activity coincident with these transits suggests that the degree of the Solar Apex and alignments with it should be given careful consideration.

You might like to note that both Saturn and Neptune align with the Solar Apex in 2025. This is highly unusual. They haven’t aligned at this point together in several thousand years. The combined effect could coincide with sharp decline in index values.

It may also be indicative of the dawn of a new financial global world order.

Copyright Christeen Skinner March 2018