無論你的孩子是新生、四十歲、或是介於兩者之間 – 孩子的占星諮詢能夠協助你脫離對孩子期望的觀點,進而去真正了解你的孩子。
期望孩子像我們一樣思考,擁有我們的世界觀,並希望他們從生活中得到同樣的東西,這樣的想法並非罕見,有時這是真的, 但也並非總是如此,即使整體上而言是事實,但通常,也存在著許多不同。
星圖顯示了代代相傳的家族模式, 就像孩子從家族雙方所獲得的基因一樣,那些與生俱來的能力以及星圖中所顯示的困難徵象也會被遺傳下來,有時,(在孩子星圖中的)這些特徵反映了你-身為父母的, 有時更像是反映了最喜歡的阿姨,叔叔或祖父母, 有時它們反映了家族中沒有人想提及的那頭「黑羊」[1]。
身為父母,即使還只是嬰兒,你也會觀察到孩子的天生差異。 在嬰兒床中的嬰兒表現了他或她的需求 – 當她想要被抱、被餵養以及她有多想要被關注的時候。
- 他或她的天賦和能力,以及你能夠如何為孩子提供最好地協助來發展它們。
- 他或她的困難之處或絆腳石,以及你如何能夠幫助孩子來繞過它們。
- 他或她的價值觀和主要動機,以及你可以如何有效地激勵孩子。
- 他或她如何與你和其他家庭成員互動,以及你、你的配偶和其他家庭成員如何影響孩子。
- 孩子如何與他人相處。
- 孩子的職業以及賺取金錢的潛力。
- 如果觀察行星周期,可以判斷什麼是當下最好的行動方案。
–Virginia Satir, author of The Satir Model: Family Therapy and Beyond
一位年輕的母親來為她五歲的女兒尋求占星諮詢,那孩子的本命星圖是我見過最好鬥的星圖, 這漂亮的小女孩有一張可以與匈奴阿提拉相媲美的星圖,一開始,我不知道如何將這些訊息傳達給她的母親,但人類的靈性總是充滿驚喜,在我們瀏覽星圖之後,那位母親說了兩件讓我永遠不會忘記的事,她說:“好, 第一,現在我知道這不是我的錯(孩子的行為顯然已經很明顯),第二,我很高興我將不必擔心她,她將會有能力把自己照顧好。“
一位80歲的長期客戶帶她的孫子來見我,孫子已經從高中輟學,正考慮加入軍隊並前往伊拉克,他覺得自己沒有能力、也沒有其他選擇,而這次的諮詢幫助他看到了其他可能性,他閱讀他了的Astro Analysis占星報告,那份報告說服他相信自己是有能力的。那份報告是我撰寫的,但是由電腦自動生成產出 – 所以無論他的祖母對我說什麼,都無法影響其中的內容。他後來取得他的GED[2],而現在正在尋找其他機會。
本文為作者 Joyce Levine 授權 美國NCGR占星研究協會 台灣分會翻譯刊登。
[1]黑羊- 依據康橋字典的解釋,意指因為這個人的不同或是所遇到的麻煩,而使一個團體或家族感到尷尬的人。
[2]GED- 原文General Educational Development,是驗證個人是否擁有美國或加拿大高中級別學術技能而設立的考試及證書,有「普通教育文憑」、「普通等階文憑」或者「畢業生等階學位」之意。
Children’s Astrology Consultations
Whether your child is newly born, forty years old, or somewhere in between – the children’s astrology consultation gives you an understanding of your child that is divorced from your own expectations.
It is not unusual to expect our children to think like we do, have our world view, and want the same things out of life. Sometimes this is true. Many times it is not. And even if it is true overall, many variations usually exist.
While it is typically believed that the mother’s body determines the time of birth, scientific evidence shows that signals from the embryo determine when labor occurs. In essence, the baby is born when the baby is ready. Even in the case of Caesarians, we would say there are no accidents and the “soul” chooses the time to incarnate.
Astrology charts show family patterns that get passed down from generation to generation. Just as children get genes from both sides of the family, innate abilities as well as difficult traits as shown by astrological patterns are also passed down. Sometimes these traits mirror you, the parents. Sometimes they are more like a favorite aunt, uncle, or grandparent. Sometimes they mirror the black sheep in the family that no one wants to talk about.
As a parent, you observe innate differences in children even as infants. The baby in the crib signals his or her needs—when he wants to be held and fed and how much attention she desires. A child’s astrological chart, just like an adult’s, shows his perspective, what motivates him, what she is naturally good at, where she is likely to have problems, how he will interact in school and in relationships.
The children’s astrology consultation helps you as parents understand your children’s needs more clearly, to encourage them in the right direction, and to see yourself through their.
Your child’s astrological chart helps you gain perspective on:
- His or her talents and abilities and how you can best help your child develop them.
- His or her difficulties or stumbling blocks and how you can best help him or her get around them.
- His or her values and prime motivations and how you can best motivate your child.
- How her or she is likely to interact with you and other family members and how you, your spouse, and other family members influence your child.
- How he or she relates to others.
- His or her career and money-making potential.
- If looking at cycles, you can determine what is the best course of action for a particular time.
Feelings of worthy can flourish only in an atmosphere where individual differences are appreciated, mistakes are tolerated, communication is open, and rules are flexible, the kind of atmosphere that is found in a nurturing family.
–Virginia Satir, author of The Satir Model: Family Therapy and Beyond
Here are examples of some of my memorable consultations:
A young mother came in for an astrological consultation on her five-year old daughter. The child’s chart was the most combative I had ever seen. This pretty little girl had an astrology chart that would rival Attila the Hun. Ahead of time, I had no idea how I would convey this information to her mother. But the human spirit is full of surprises. After going over the astrology chart, the mother said two things that I will never forget. “Good.” (1) “Now I know it’s not my fault” (the child’s behavior was obviously already apparent). (2) “I’m glad I won’t have to worry about her. She’ll be able to take care of herself.”
A long-term 80+year old client sent her grandson in to see me. He had dropped out of high school and was thinking of joining the army and going to Iraq. He felt he had no abilities or other choices. The consultation helped him to see other possibilities, but it was reading his AstroAnalysis Report that really convinced him of that he had capabilities. While I wrote the Report, it is computer generated – so anything his grandmother might have said to me couldn’t influence what was in it. He subsequently took his GED’s and is now looking into other opportunities.
© Joyce Levine

喬伊斯‧萊汶(Joyce Levine)是美國知名占星顧問、講師以及作者,具備30多年的資深經歷,是前任美國NCGR占星研究協會主席,2012年美國UAC聯合占星學會組織服務獎章獲獎人。她獨特的占星諮詢方法是結合占星科學以及她對其行星影響的敏銳直覺,透過心理學的觀點,以非直斷式的方法,為客戶點出天生性格特徵與心理需求背後的驅力、動機、恐懼、衝突和掙扎,理解過去可能不利的人格傾向,指導如何彌補弱點並發揮最大優勢,為人生作出明智的決定。[作者詳盡介紹]