最像你的那個孩子正是與你有種美妙關係或者是可怕關係的人 – 這取決於你在孩子身上看到自己的特質時的反應。相同情況也會發生在如果你是一個看著父母的孩子。
- 父母(或祖父母)致力於尋找能夠培養孩子潛能的最佳方式。
- 希望孩子與手足之間保持最佳關係的父母(或祖父母)。
- 父母(或祖父母)渴望找到處理和激勵“問題孩童”的方法。
- 離婚夫妻關心對孩子的影響。
- 成年子女想要了解、並且想與養育家庭達成和解。
- 成年子女想要了解如何照顧年邁父母。
- 想要促進相處或解決困難關係的兄弟姐妹。
- 你在家族關係中所扮演的角色。
- 無論好壞,你與配偶的關係如何影響你的孩子。
- 如何使無意識的模式變得意識,並避免對家族關係產生負面影響。
- 如何幫助你的孩子克服個人障礙,培養他們的天賦。
- 作為父母如何培養孩子們手足之間的積極關係。
- 如何拉近家庭成員以充分善盡這些關係。
- 如何意識到自己已經盡力而為。
本文為作者 Joyce Levine 授權 美國NCGR占星研究協會 台灣分會翻譯刊登。
[1]黑羊- 依據康橋字典的解釋,意指因為這個人的不同或是所遇到的麻煩,而使一個團體或家族感到尷尬的人。
Family Astrology Consultations
Family relationships, like all relationships, are based upon what each of person is like individually and how you then mesh together. Family astrology consultations provide a detached perspective that helps you better understand yourself and family members in a nonjudgmental fashion.
As a husband or wife, parent, child, or sibling, you have certain predetermined ways of relating. Your astrology chart provides the lens through which look at the world. A family consultation shows you the way you naturally relate to other people, where your family fits into your expectations, and where you fit into theirs. It helps individual members to better understand their talents and innate problems, as well as the talents and problems of those around them.
Astrology charts show family patterns that get passed down from generation to generation. Just as children inherit genes from both sides of the family, innate abilities as well as difficult traits as shown by astrological patterns, are also passed down.
Sometimes traits that are passed down mirror the parents. Sometimes they are more like a favorite aunt, uncle, or grandparent. Sometimes they mirror the black sheep of the family. How a parent relates with a child is affected by who the child mirrors and the parent’s relationship with that person. This is particularly important to understand if you are divorced and have a child who “takes after” your ex or if you had a particularly difficult relationship with a parent and your child is “just like” that parent.
The child who is most like you is the one that you either have a fabulous relationship with or a terrible one—depending upon your reaction to viewing your traits in another. The same is true for if you are a child looking at a parent.
And relationships among siblings get thrown into the mix. While the ideal is to see siblings get along, grow up, and stay close to one another, this may or may not happen. This consultation helps you as parents better understand each child’s needs and how to foster sibling’s relationships with one another, based upon what each of them is like individually.
Who has family astrology consultations?
- Parents (or grandparents) who are committed to finding the best way they can nurture their child’s potential.
- Parents (or grandparents) who want to insure the best possible relationships among siblings.
- Parents (or grandparents) desirous of finding ways to handle and motivate a “problem” child.
- Couples getting divorce concerned about effects on their children.
- Adult children who want to understand, and come to terms with, the family dynamics they were brought up with.
- Adults that want to know how to best care for elderly parents.
- Siblings who want to get along better or work through relational difficulties.
What you’ll discover:
- The role you play in influencing family dynamics.
- How your relationship with your spouse, for better or worse, affects your children.
- How to make unconscious patterns conscious, so that you avoid negatively influence family dynamics.
- How to best help your children overcome their personal obstacles and develop their natural talents.
- How you as a parent can foster positive relationships among siblings.
- How to approach family members in order to get the most out of the relationship.
- How to recognize when you’ve done all you can.
© Joyce Levine

喬伊斯‧萊汶(Joyce Levine)是美國知名占星顧問、講師以及作者,具備30多年的資深經歷,是前任美國NCGR占星研究協會主席,2012年美國UAC聯合占星學會組織服務獎章獲獎人。她獨特的占星諮詢方法是結合占星科學以及她對其行星影響的敏銳直覺,透過心理學的觀點,以非直斷式的方法,為客戶點出天生性格特徵與心理需求背後的驅力、動機、恐懼、衝突和掙扎,理解過去可能不利的人格傾向,指導如何彌補弱點並發揮最大優勢,為人生作出明智的決定。[作者詳盡介紹]