金融占星-股市的休市盤 作者:克麗絲汀.史金納

SK-Day Charts-00-960




        儘管一般行星組態(Planetary Patterns)影響所有市場,但華爾街股市的休市盤與雪梨股市的休市盤卻很有可能有非常不同的月相(兩地有12小時時差)。某日雪梨股市休市時正好是月亮與天王星精準對分相,震撼股市,其嚴重影響的程度是世界上其他地區所沒有的。


        整個2015年月交軸(the nodal axis )是在McWhirter經濟週期的上曲線,這表示指數在年底應該會上升。然而,天王星與冥王星在三月時將有主相位(可能有顛覆情形),而在11月時,土星與海王星將形成第一次四分相位(前景蹣跚),有這些個別因素促使我對該年底股價指數的結論是下降。








2018年3月Christeen Skinner版權所有

本文為作者Christeen Skinner 專為 美國NCGR占星研究協會 台灣分會提供,並授權翻譯刊登。

作者介紹:克麗絲汀.史金納(CHRISTEEN SKINNER)

克麗絲汀是倫敦城市觀點公司(Cityscopes London Ltd)總監,該公司為預測未來趨勢的公司。客戶遍及銀行界、商界、企業界等。講座範圍廣及商業占星,德拉古、泛音、中點與時事占星技巧等。克麗絲汀是優拉妮亞信託受託人,亞麗珊卓雅雲端基地計畫的總監,並擔任NCGR顧問團主席。著有金錢符號(Money Signs, 1998年出版)、財金宇宙(The Financial Universe, 2004年出版)、探索財金宇宙(Exploring the Financial Universe, 2016年出版)與財金宇宙的初學者指南(The Beginner’s Guide to the Financial Universe , 2017年出版)、財金宇宙導航(Navigating the Financial Universe)將於2018年出版。


本文翻譯:Rosa Wang老師 校閱:瑪碁斯老師



Knowing which aspects will become exact during the course of the trading day is useful. Preparing a list is a worthwhile exercise and is one of my weekend tasks.

Though it is of some interest to cast a chart for the time that a market opens, I tend to focus on the chart for close of trade. Note that not all markets close at the same time of day: most close on the hour, a few on the half-hour.  A Close of Trade chart for the All ordinaries in Sydney is unusual in that  an extra 12 minutes is allowed to tidy up transactions. Charts for this index would be drawn for 16.12 local time.

It is very often the case that when a market closes with a planet EXACT on one of the angles of the chart for the precise location, then trading on that day is highly significant.

Though general planetary patterns affect all markets, it is quite possible for the market in Wall Street to close with a very different lunar aspect to the one in Sydney (there being a near 12 hour difference). A day that closes with an exact Moon-Uranus opposition in Sydney produces shock results and strong moves that are not experienced in other parts of the world.

Of particular interest are the Close of Trade charts at the end of each year. It is common at the start of any year for the various investment houses to give their opinion on where indices will be as the year closes. In my work I take into account long-term planet cycles, the position of the nodes and the close of trade charts for each index at the end of the year.

Throughout 2015 the nodal axis was in an up-curve of the McWhirter Business Cycle suggesting that indices should close the year higher. However, Uranus and Pluto were due to form a major aspect in March (possible upset) whilst in November, Saturn and Neptune would form the first of a series of right-angles (dampening prospects). On these factors alone I concluded that indices would end the year lower.

Arriving at the probable closing figure required review of the end of year trading chart. The London Stock Exchange closed for the year at 12.30pm on New Year’s Eve (December 31st).

As may be seen, Pluto was exactly aligned with the Midheaven: indicating a powerful conclusion to trading for the year. This is, of course, the close of trade chart for both the day and the year. That being the case, greatest emphasis is given to the position of the slow moving planets and their aspects. In this instance, with Saturn having recently formed a right-angle to Neptune, there was high probability that 2015 would see significant losses – at least where UK markets were concerned. In fact, the FTSE closed 5% down on the year.

The same exercise for Wall Street delivered rather different results:

Here Neptune is exact at the Midehaven suggesting a confused picture. This chart also showed the Moon exactly aligned with the lunar North Node (an ‘up’ signal). Results in the US were indeed very different to those in the United Kingdom. The Dow Jones index closed down less than 1% on the year whilst the NASDAQ composite ended the year in positive territory.

Copyright Christeen Skinner March 2018