
Finding Success in the Horoscope-Article960x600_compressed



  天宮圖分析是無限廣大與極度精微的交替,無數的配置,以及與行星、相位和宮位之間的相互作用,創造了一個宇宙設計的迷宮來詮釋、照亮,並最終引導我們度過生命的旅程。然而,這種設計的複雜性在於,從隱喻神話的相關性,到事件的精確時間等,天宮圖的詮釋對於主題的推測,是非常開放的。 「天宮圖」這個詞源自於拉丁文中的”horos-scopus”,或者“時間的圖像”,因此,天宮圖是行星專門的圖像,是張地圖,沒有更多、也沒有更少。成功的導航地圖取決於確定方向,而用於這目的,最經常被使用的儀器是指南針, 其中,磁針是可以任意懸浮以自動對準地球磁場特定的點,以導航器來說,這個特定的點就是真北方,但對占星家而言,這是上中天(MC)。

  當我們是自己生命中的英雄時,這個天宮圖的頂點在較高的自我層次中定義了我們是誰。簡而言之,太陽星座定義了我們是誰,月亮星座定義了我們的需求,上升星座定義了我們是如何將自己的人格展現給全世界, 然而,上中天的星座則是定義了我們想要抵達、努力追求的,以及我們如何在世界中找到自己的位置。然而,它並沒有描述我們在前往個人目標的旅程中所處的環境,沒有描述我們是否能坐在升降椅裡直接啟動攀登,或者得忍受超乎常人的勞力來抵達頂點,也沒有告訴我們如何達到頂峰、或是攀頂時所需要的物資。為了抵達到我們個人成就的高峰,我們每個人都需要必備的裝備、地圖以及方法,我們的天宮圖是地圖, 與上中天形成相位的行星描述了裝備,而 「史萊文12步驟系統」則是一種新的導航方法。

  技能發展孕育於人類的環境之下,並貫穿古代和現代文明。 俗話說,「授人以魚,不如授人以漁」-這是職業和職涯輔導共同的主題, 將這種智慧提升到更高層次會導出另一則諺語:「授人以竿,則漁。授人以船,則為商」,從簡單的漁夫變成商人的原因是,他用他的船發現了一種移動魚的方法,將它們從深海移到了市場, 他運轉了貨物。





  「史萊文系統」並非取代所有天宮圖的解析,它無法解決人際關係的問題或是預測事件,然而它提供一步步解析天宮圖的速寫法,如同使用奧坎剃刀(簡約的法則)來判斷最佳的專業潛能,是個人的真北方,並點出最有效的路徑,包括替代的路徑,去實現並且成功。從占星新手到專業占星家,任何有興趣判斷成功和可實現職業目標的人,都能從「史萊文系統」中獲益。 這種獨特的方法並沒有在其他地方發表,它對職業占星諮詢提供了革命性的觀點。



  在這個系統中只使用本命星圖,雖然隨著時間推移,地圖會隨著時間的推移而變化,但無論氣候和大氣壓力,真北方仍是保持不變的,而天宮圖與上中天也是如此。 雖然次限推運圖,太陽弧推運以及其他技法可以說明事件的轉折,但這些在流年占星學中是屬於策略性的技法,它們是源自於本命星圖的抽象觀點。 潛能、能力、技能,都在本命星圖中被顯示出來,包括傾向與氣質。 這些性格的原料必須加以定義、開發和指引,以加冕我們藉由努力所產出的理想結果。

  想像一下,本命星圖的組成就像是個散開的個性拼圖,隨時準備組裝到正確的位置。 「史萊文系統」是將它們裝配在一起並加以實現宏圖的一種新穎且獨特的方法。



1. 確定上中天的星座與度數。

2. 找到與上中天有星座托勒密相位的行星,這會是主要行星。

3. 注意在第十宮內有無任何行星。

4. 注意主要行星的星座以及力量,看是否有尊貴或失勢,運行方向是順行、逆行,或停滯。

5. 注意主要行星所在的星座,或者是否在下一宮始點前5度。

6. 確定主要行星所形成的相位。

7. 注意主要行星所主管的宮位。

8. 注意主要行星是否與啟動星座之至分點有1度內的合相。

9. 注意主要行星是否與其他行星有互容或混合型的互容。

10. 注意主要行星是否與皇冠恆星有1度內的合相。

11. 綜合上述因素(如適用)去發現最具個性的速寫,並確定為取得成功最強的屬性、惡名或最高的知名度。

12. 找到與主要行星度數最接近的行星,並且重複上述步驟。


  上中天是個人的市場,人們可以在這裡以最高能見度來展示自己的商品並進行交易,或者,僅僅是裝扮自己,並向廣大的群眾展現自己。就像漁夫將漁獲送到魚市的攤位一樣,每個人都需要展示他們的貨物,無論是基本的攤位、簡樸的窗口,或是豪華擺飾的陳列。除了少數例外的情況,大多數人都有在市場上被看見的經驗,無論是在大街的一排商店中奔波,還是在時代廣場的高樓協談企業合併, 向廣大群眾介紹自己是獲得高知名度的關鍵。

  上中天的星座描述了我們的個人市場,或是我們在公開展示中的狀態, 現在讓我們回到市場,回顧上中天在每個星座所呈現的內容。

本文為作者-“Finding Success in the Horoscope”一書中的簡介

經作者Jackie Slevin 授權 美國NCGR占星研究協會 台灣分會翻譯刊登。




賈姬.史萊文Jackie Slevin

M.A., C.A., NCGR-PAA 暨聯盟理事,NCGR教育總監,並著有解構成功者的天宮圖Finding Success in the Horoscope。古典占星卜卦研究學者、路易斯.羅登的占星資料庫(Lois Rodden’s Astrodatabank)傳記作者,曾任1995聯合占星學會議(United Astrology Conference)專案執行,並於1998、2002與2012於聯合占星學會議擔任講座,曾參與2002聯合占星學會議教育委員會。目前於占星指南雜誌(Horoscope Guide Magazine)撰寫每日占星,及愛情、金錢與健康專欄,同時參與NCGR考試委員會,並為NCGR美國紐澤西分會副會長。柏根紀錄報(The Bergen Record北紐澤西州地方報)、紐約郵報(The New York Post)、今日心理學(Psychology Today部落格)都曾專題介紹。


本文翻譯:瑪碁斯老師  /  Rosa Wang老師 


Introduction to the Slevin System of


Success is a science.

If you have the conditions, you get the result.

Oscar Wilde

Horoscope analysis is by turns infinitely vast and minutely intricate.  The myriad placements and interactions among planets, angles, and houses create a labyrinth of cosmic design to illustrate, illuminate, and ultimately guide us through the journey of life. The complexity of the design, however, is that horoscope interpretation is imminently wide open to speculation on topics ranging from obscure mythological correlation to the accurate timing of events. The word “horoscope” is derived from the Latin horos-scopus, or “picture of the hour.” Thus, a horoscope is a specialized picture of planets, a map, nothing more, and nothing less. Successful navigation of a map is contingent upon determining direction.  The most commonly known instrument used for the purpose is a compass, in which a magnetic needle is freely suspended so that the earth’s magnetic field turns to align itself with a specific point. To the navigator, this specific point is True North. To the astrologer, it is the Midheaven.

This summit of the horoscope defines who we are when functioning at our highest level, when we are the heroes of our own lives. Simply put, our Sun sign defines who we are, the Moon sign defines what we need, and the sign on the Ascendant defines how our personality is presented to the world at large. The sign on the Midheaven, however, defines what we are trying to reach, what we’re striving for, and how we find our place in the world. It does not, however, describe our conditions on the journey to our personal destination, or whether our climb will be enabled in a chair lift or we undergo superhuman labors to reach the top. Nor does it instruct us how to reach the summit or the supplies required for the climb. In order to reach our own personal peak of achievement, each of us needs the necessary equipment, a map, and a method.  Our horoscope is the map. Planets in aspects to the Midheaven describe the equipment. The 12-Step Slevin System is a new method of navigation.

The development of skill is bred into the human condition and reaches across both ancient and modern civilizations.  The proverb, “Give me a fish and I eat for a day, teach me to fish and I eat for a lifetime” is a common theme in career and vocational guidance.  Taking this wisdom to a higher level yields another proverb: “Give a man a rod and he’s a fisherman.  Give him a boat and now he’s a businessman.”  What transformed the simple fisherman to a businessman was that, using his boat, he discovered a method to move the fish, transferring them from the deep to the marketplace. He moved the goods.

The purpose of this book is to illustrate breakthrough techniques that utilize aspects to the Midheaven and other subtle planetary symbolism to help determine how individuals can find their own True North by defining their abilities, developing their talents, gaining the highest visibility, and ultimately attaining success. In short, how to transfer your own goods from low visibility to high visibility. Moreover, it takes a new look at ancient methods of delineation and applies them to target career potential.  Using only the natal chart as the barometer of potential and visibility, and the Success Formula, Finding Success in the Horoscope illustrates new techniques of delineation.  It uses aspects to the Midheaven to define the “boat,” or the method of navigation in each person’s chart to transfer their goods from the raw materials of talent to the center of the public marketplace.

Whether one works as a fisherman, plumbing the murky deep for its bounty, or as a software engineer, coding complex computer programs, the application of skill determines one’s success in everyday living.  While there is no single planet or angle in the horoscope named skill, talent, or career, subtle, often hidden intricacies of delineation can access a common thread to join these precious nouns together to produce the desired result. Obscure indicators often effect a hand-in-glove fit to complete the jigsaw puzzle, thus maneuvering the compass needle to our own True North.

Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary defines success as “the favorable or prosperous termination of attempts or endeavors.” In short, success crowns the efforts that produce a desired result. Success, however, does not necessarily imply financial success. The desired result from attempts or endeavors could be a world away from a hefty paycheck. Mother Theresa was extremely successful at helping the poorest of the poor, yet earning a high income was not her motivation. She simply utilized her Midheaven, her point of highest visibility, to achieve her desired result.  Humanitarian Simon Wiesenthal spent decades searching for Nazi officials to bring them to trial for their atrocious crimes against humanity, yet his income was not connected to his vocation and had little bearing on his achievement. Achievement in career endeavors does not necessarily co-exist with financial reward. Old textbooks of astrology use the Midheaven to determine an individual’s rank.  Whether rank is a birthright or a desired result, it does not describe cash flow. Nor is birth or social rank implemented in democratic societies where bettering oneself is an inalienable right.

 Following our bliss is the very stuff of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Money is the gravy, and gravy needs to be passed around.  The tangible by­ products of success can be shared, but the recipients don’t share the success of the donor. Bliss, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder, and beholding is wholly dependent upon one’s point of view, which is always most desirable at the highest possible vantage point. The Midheaven is the highest point of the horoscope, and thus where one shines at their brightest.

The Slevin System is in no way the be-all and end-all of horoscope interpretation.  It does not solve relationship problems or predict events.  It does, however, offer a step-by-step shorthand method of horoscope interpretation that uses Occam’s razor to define optimum professional potential, one’s own True North, and highlights the most effective itinerary to fulfillment and success, including alternate routes.  The Slevin System will benefit anyone interested in defining successful and attainable career goals, from the astrological neophyte to the professional astrologer. This unique method has not been published anywhere else and revolutionizes astrological career counseling.

Finding Success in the Horoscope uses birth data from Lois Rodden’s Astrodatabank and from friends and clients using the Rodden Rating System for accuracy.

All charts are presented in the Placidus house system.

Only the natal horoscope is used in this system.  Maps become embellished as territory develops over time, but True North remains constant despite climate change and atmospheric pressure. The same can be said for the horoscope and the Mid­ heaven. While progressed charts, solar arcs, and other techniques illustrate turns of events and are strategic components of predictive astrology, they are abstractions stemming from the matrix of the natal horoscope. Potential, ability, and skill are shown in the natal chart, along with inclination and temperament.  These raw materials of personality must be defined, developed, and directed to crown our efforts and produce the desired result.

Imagine the components of the natal horoscope as puzzle pieces of the personality that have been spread out, ready to be assembled into their correct positions. The Slevin System is a new and unique method of fitting them together to achieve completion of the Big Picture.

Enjoy the process, and once you’ve determined your best route to the summit, enjoy the view. It’s lovely at the top.

The 12-Step Slevin System

  1. Determine the sign and degree on the Midheaven (MC).
  2. Find the planet nearest to that degree in Ptolemaic aspect within signs. This is the Principal Planet.
  3. Note any planets in the tenth house.
  4. Note the Principal Planet’s sign and strength, whether in dignity or debility, and direction, whether direct, retrograde, or stationary.
  5. Note the house in which the Principal Planet is posited or whether it is within 5 degrees of the next house cusp.
  6. Determine the aspects the Principal Planet makes.
  7. Note the house (or houses) this planet rules.
  8. Note if the Principal Planet is exactly conjunct or within one degree of the Cardinal Axis.
  9. Note if the Principal Planet is in mutual reception or mixed mutual reception with any other planets.
  10. Note if the Principal Planet is exactly conjunct or within one degree of Royal Fixed Stars.
  11. Combine the above factors (where applicable) to discover the most definitive shorthand description of the personality, and define the strongest attributes for achieving success, notoriety, or the highest visibility.
  12. Repeat this process with the planet nearest to the degree of the Principal Planet.

The Principal Planet is the key significator to determining the path of least resistance to achievement. An exact trine of Mercury to the Midheaven is more inclined to produce someone who excels in the mercurial occupations of writing, reporting, or clerical work than merely having Mercury prominent in the horoscope or a Gemini Midheaven.

The Midheaven is one’s personal marketplace, where one travels to display their wares in high visibility for trade or merely to dress up and present themselves to the public at large. As the fisherman transported his fish to the market stall that specifically sold fish, so every individual needs to present their goods, whether in a basic, unadorned window or draped in pomp and circumstance. With few exceptions, most people have had the experience of being visible in a marketplace, whether it’s running an errand to the row of shops on Main Street or negotiating a corporate merger in a high-rise in Times Square.  The presentation of one’s self to the public at large is the key to achieving high visibility.


The sign on the Midheaven describes our personal marketplace, or our state of public presentation. Let us now go to the market to review what each sign on the Midheaven has to present.