Jackie Slevin—碩士,NCGR-PAA占星師聯盟認證占星師,是一位跨足國際、全時專職的占星諮詢師,同時也是” Finding Success in the Horoscope (從天宮圖找到成功)”一書的作者,她具備卜卦占星師資格,並為Astrodatabank的傳記作者。她曾被刊登於The Bergen Record(盃耳根時報)與New York Post(紐約郵報),並於美國、加拿大及墨西哥等地演講,目前是Horoscope Guide Magazine雜誌-愛情‧財富‧健康每日指引的專欄作家。此外,她任職美國NCGR總會主考官,為現任美國NCGR北紐澤西分會副會長。
Jackie Slevin M.A., C.A. NCGR-PAA, is an internationally published, full-time consulting astrologer and the author of “Finding Success in the Horoscope,” available on Amazon. A graduate of Classical Studies in Horary and a biography writer for Astrodatabank, she has been featured in The Bergen Record and the New York Post. She has lectured throughout the USA and in Canada and Mexico, and currently writes the Daily Guides and Love, Money, Health columns for Horoscope Guide Magazine. In addition to serving on the NCGR Board of Examiners, she is Vice President of the Northern New Jersey Chapter of NCGR.