本文節錄自 Faith McInerny 在美國 NCGR 占星研究協會占星年鑑2015冬季號所發表的論文,她畢生獨鍾於烏拉尼亞占星學派之中點技術,針對行星與小行星、凱龍星及海外天體 (TNP),具備非常大量且深入的案例研究經驗,44年紮實的烏拉尼亞占星學資歷,融會貫穿90度刻度盤與現代占星盤的星空奧秘。
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其相位經常出現在那些對於勞工問題明顯同情或漠不關心的人的星盤中,例如工會領導者及罷工者。美國惡名昭彰的工會領袖吉米.霍法(Jimmy Hoffa),他的本命太陽就精準座落於二星的中點。但是,像美國雷根總統(President Ronald Reagan),當他在1981年8月終結一場罷工活動,並解僱了11,000名工人時(1981年8月15日),是行運凱龍星與行運智神星互呈映點,停滯的行運凱龍星與本命智神星形成了半八分相(Semi-Octile);在他的本命星盤中,二者之間並無相位。
時尚指標人物──安娜.溫圖(Anna Wintour,太陽以不超過30分的容許度位於智神星與凱龍星的中點),可說是美國最差勁老闆之中的翹楚,被冠上「核彈溫圖(Nuclear Wintour)」的惡名,並啟發了電影「穿著Prada的惡魔(The Devil Wore Prada)」。隨著成功,她刻意自我流放,“她享受著被難以親近的氛圍…在抵達她的辦公桌之前,你必須步行約一英里進到她的辦公室,這是故意的。”
關於亨利.基辛格(Henry Kissinger,太陽位於智神星與凱龍星的中點)的趣聞是,他被以卡通風格描繪成一位能使工作變成苦差事的霸道老闆。為人所知地,他要求幕僚就其政策立場一遍遍地撰寫草案,然後在每一次交給他的時候進行嚴格提問:「這真是你所能做到最好的嗎?」直到第三版或第四版之後,基辛格才對疲憊的幕僚說:「好,那我現在要來讀了。」
許多難以相處的老闆和權力濫用者,都有著令人難忘的成就。路易.巴斯德(Louis Pasteur,太陽位於智神星與凱龍星的中點),他對自己的工作要求極為嚴格,這是他成就輝煌的關鍵;但是,當他擔任主管時,那嚴格的標準卻造成了不好的結果。在他早期的職業生涯中,他曾因學生的抗議而失去了學校管理職的工作。”巴斯德對學生紀律的處理,顯露出沒有彈性,並且相當專制的精神。”最終,他因反對一名學生為言論自由的抗爭而遭到解僱。多年之後,他因中風而必須仰賴助理,但他對員工嚴苛的要求,使他聲譽大壞。還有例如米開朗基羅(Michelangelo,太陽位於智神星與凱龍星的中點),他僱用與解僱助手都是基於在參與他的工作時不可有人居功的考量。
有些惡名昭彰的當代國際勞工剝削案件,也涉及了凱龍星與智神星的中點圖像。例如電視名人凱茜.李.吉福德(Kathie Lee Gifford),她被指控在血汗工廠使用童工製造服裝。當她在1995年3月遭受抨擊時,太陽回歸盤中的凱龍星與智神星合相(與土星僅距30分),而再隔年聽證會召開時,太陽回歸盤中的上升點軸線位於凱龍星與智神星的中點。Nike創辦人比爾.鮑爾曼(Bill Bowerman,智神星與凱龍星呈赤緯平行),則以「Nike血汗工廠(Nike Sweatshops)」而聞名。
凱龍星/智神星也可以象徵心懷不滿的員工。丹.懷特(Dan White,本命智神星合相凱龍星)即有此相位,他是個謀殺老闆的員工──因工作上的問題而殺害了舊金山市市長和議員哈威.米爾克(Harvey Milk);事件當下,行運凱龍星與米爾克的本命智神星呈半八分相,而在他的太陽回歸盤,上中天則以33分容許度位於智神星與凱龍星的中點。
除了因個人的忽視(例如歌手吸煙)所帶來的健康問題之外,有些表演者和運動員會因工作所造成的健康問題,而出現職業上的挫折與改變。布鲁斯.詹納(Bruce Jenner,上中天位於智神星/凱龍星的中點),他因受傷而改變了運動項目;崔西.奧斯丁(Tracy Austin,智神星與凱龍星1度內合相),由於背傷,在年紀尚輕時自網球場上退役;伯特.雷諾斯(Burt Reynolds,太陽位於智神星與凱龍星的中點),因傷而結束運動生涯,後來在拍電影時,又遭遇了下巴骨折事故,導致其容貌發生根本性的變化,以致於有謠言傳出他罹患愛滋病。詩人埃米莉.狄更生(Emily Dickinson,水星、智神星與凱龍星在1度22分內合相)罹患了眼部疾病,被醫師叮囑不能閱讀,並且只能用鉛筆來書寫。
舞台恐懼或表演焦慮是另一種凱龍星與智神星共同運作的表現方式。像表演者卡莉.西蒙(Carly Simon,智神星與凱龍星在1度8分內合相),與芭芭拉.史翠珊(Barbra Streisand,白羊點與火星位於智神星/凱龍星的中點),他們罹患舞台恐懼症,沒來由地害怕工作。
《十誡》(The Ten Commandments)
塞西爾.德米爾(C.B. DEMILLE),他本命凱龍星2度內對分智神星,並且木星精準地位於中點,而他最為人所銘記的作品是摩西帶領希伯來奴隸獲得自由的《十誡》。在舞台上”他是個醜陋,光頭的人,穿馬褲帶鞭子騎著馬。他想要恐怖,他想要混亂,當他得到想要的東西時,他會勃起;每個人都可以看到,沒有錯過。”某次在遇見一位前員工時,他熱情地向對方打招呼:「我記得你,你大約在十年前為我的電影工作過。你很棒…但為什麼你沒有回來過?」那員工回答道:「德米爾先生,我還沒從為您工作的惡夢中解脫呢。」德米爾堅決反對工會和共產主義,他編制了左派成員的名單,企圖消滅他們的事業。
亞歷山大.索忍尼辛(Alexander Solzhenitsyn),他根據自身經歷,寫了他最著名的關於蘇聯強逼勞動營的小說。二次大戰期間,他寫了一封批評史達林發動戰爭的私人信件,因而被指控「成立敵對組織」,被判處八年徒刑,在非人道的環境下從事了一連串卑微的工作──例如在天氣極度寒冷的時候砌磚,寒冷到在他得空放置下一塊磚之前,砂漿已經凍結。我們沒有索忍尼辛的出生時間,但無論他在當天幾點出生,他的本命水星均僅以30分容許度位於智神星/凱龍星的中點。
波士頓交響樂廳成為音聲效果世界頂級音樂廳之一的故事,特別鼓舞人心。建築聲學的創始人暨物理學家華萊士.克萊門特.薩賓(Wallace Clement Sabine,智神星、凱龍星、白羊點與上升點在58分內合相),是一位並未具有聲音研究背景的哈佛講師。他被委派一項哈佛物理系所有前輩都未能克服的任務:去瞭解一間新建講堂的音效為何如此之糟的原因,並進行改正。由於薩賓位屬體系中較低的位階,他沒有選擇、只能接手。接下來的幾年,薩賓和他的助手們每天晚上都借用座墊、地毯、管風琴和碼表,在不同環境中執行數千次各種頻率的定時測量,到了早上再將實驗所使用的器材歸還以進行授課。他以這種漫長而艱辛的方式,定義了「混響時間」──測量空間聲學品質最重要的特徵,而這鞏固了薩賓的職業生涯,使他被任命為波士頓交響樂廳的聲學顧問。聲音吸收的單位──薩賓(Sabin),即是為了紀念他所命名。
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本分會特邀Faith McInerny於2020年09月12日,來為我們的年度國際占星名家線上系列講座──「奧林帕斯的曙光」揭開序幕,演講「凱龍星與四女神星」,從中點技術引領我們更進一步地認識星盤中與生命裡的萬神殿。
本文為作者 Faith McInerney 授權 美國NCGR占星研究協會 台灣分會翻譯刊登。
Pallas: In this astrologer’s experience, Pallas is reliable for information about profession and work—from the natal promise to the timing and description of work events. The work events may be your own, your employer’s or those of someone with whom you work or employ.
Chiron: An emphasized natal Chiron is associated with physical or psychological pathology or healing; isolation and alienation.
When combined, Pallas/Chiron is seen with injurious work situations or the efforts to remedy those situations. In history, it corresponded with issues of slavery and later, the assembly line. In our lives today, Pallas/Chiron symbolizes a difficult employer or job associates; limitations as a result of an employer or someone else who limits your work; physical or psychological injury resulting from work; poor performance or behavior which undermines your work; bad luck with the job.
The aspect appears in the charts of people who are markedly sympathetic or unsympathetic to workers’ problems; in the charts of union leaders as well as strike breakers. America’s notorious union leader was Jimmy Hoffa was born with his Sun precisely at the midpoint. But when President Ronald Reagan ended a strike and fired 11,000 workers (August 5, 1981), T. Chiron and T. Pallas were antiscia to each other; a station of Chiron formed a semi-octile to Reagan’s natal Pallas. He had no natal aspect.
How Pallas/Chiron work in everyday life
A common reason for a Pallas/Chiron job problem is a difficult boss. Pallas/Chiron pictures can appear for both the boss and the employee.
Fashion icon Anna Wintour (11/3/1949 London No T.O.B. Sun=Pallas/Chiron no greater than 30′ orb) put herself at the top of the list of Worst US Bosses, earning the name “Nuclear Wintour” and inspiring “The Devil Wore Prada”. With her success, she self-imposed exile. “She enjoys not being completely approachable…You have to walk about a mile into the office before you get to her desk and it’s intentional”. (11/3/1949 London No T.O.B. Sun=Pallas/Chiron no greater than 30′ orb)
The anecdotes about Henry Kissinger (5/27/1923 5:30AM Furth, Germany Sun=Pallas/Chiron) paint him as a cartoonish, highhanded boss who could make work a drudgery. he “famously ordered brilliant aides to write draft after draft of policy position papers, and then critically inquired as each version was delivered to him, “Is this really the very best you can do?” Only after the third or fourth version reached him did Kissinger say to the exhausted author, ‘Okay, now I’ll read it.'”
Many difficult bosses and power abusers have had memorable achievements. Louis Pasteur (12/27/1822 2AM Dole, France Sun=Pallas/Chiron) applied exacting strictness to his work which was key to his brilliant achievements. But when put in a supervisory role, his exacting standards had bad results. Early in his career, he lost a job as a school administrator when students staged a protest against him. “Pasteur’s handling of student discipline betrayed an inflexible and rather authoritarian spirit.” Finally he was fired because of his opposition to a student protest involving free speech. Years later, he suffered a stroke and relied on assistants and developed a bad reputation for his exacting demands on those employees. (Louis Pasteur 12/27/1822 2AM Dole, France Sun=Pallas/Chiron) Even Michelangelo (3/6/1475 1:50AM Caprese Michelangelo, Italy Sun=Pallas/Chiron) hired and fired his assistants on such a regular basis that none of them could claim credit for any part of their participation in his work. Michelangelo (3/6/1475 1:50AM Caprese Michelangelo, Italy Sun=Pallas/Chiron)
Some notorious contemporary cases of international exploitation also include Chiron/Pallas pictures. TV personality Kathie Lee Gifford faced accusations of using child labor in sweatshops for her budget line of clothing. When she came under fire in March of 1995, her SR contained Chiron=Pallas (with Saturn less than 30′ away) and when her hearing occurred the following year, her SR contained Asd.=Chiron/Pallas. (Kathie Lee Gifford (8/16/1953 11:30PM Neuilly Sur Seine, France) Bill Bowerman (2/19/1911 No.T.O.B. Pallas//Chiron) the founder of Nike, became known for “Nike Sweatshops”. (2/19/1911 No.T.O.B. Pallas//Chiron)
Chiron/Pallas can also symbolize the disgruntled employee. Dan White, born with the natal aspect, was an employee who murdered his boss, San Francisco mayor Harvey Milk over a work related issue. T. Chiron was forming an semi octile to Milk’s natal Pallas. In his solar return, MC=Pallas/Chiron (33′ orb) (Dan White (9/2/1946 8:13AM Bellflower, CA. Pallas=Chiron);Harvey Milk 5/22/1930 1AM Woodmere, NY)
Negative consequences to one’s professional reputation, resulting from questionable career choices or bad personal behavior is also symbolized by Pallas/Chiron.
Considering Chiron’s healing skills as well as his wound, it makes sense that there would be a correspondence between healing or health concerns and Chiron/Pallas symbolism, particularly in the workplace or effecting one’s work.
In addition to health issues brought on by personal neglect (such as singers who smoke) some performers and athletes have had career setbacks and changes stemming from health problems attributable to their jobs. Bruce Jenner (10/28/1949 6:15AM Mt. Kisco, NY Pallas/Chiron=MC) changed his sport because of an injury; Tracy Austin (12/12/1962 6:18AM Redondo Beach, CA Pallas=Chiron 1 degree orb) retired from tennis due to a back injury while she was still young; Burt Reynolds’ (2/11/1936 12:10PM Lansing MI Sun=Pallas/Chiron) injuries ended his sports career. Later, during the making of a film he suffered an accident in which his jaw was broken, changing his appearance changed so radically that rumors spread that he had AIDS. Poet Emily Dickinson (12/10/1830 5AM Amherst, MA Mercury=Pallas=Chiron 1 degree 22′ orb) suffered with an eye illness and was ordered by doctors not to read and to write only with a pencil.
Stage fright or performance anxiety is another way Chiron and Pallas can operate together. Performers like Carly Simon (6/25/1945 NYC No TOB Pallas conjunct Chiron 1 degree 8′ orb) and Barbra Streisand (4/24/1942 5:04AM Brooklyn, NY Pallas/Chiron=Aries=Mars) suffer stage fright, as do ordinary people who are afraid to work for no apparent reason.
Pallas/Chiron in art and literature
The Ten Commandments
C.B. (“Ready when you are, CB”) DEMILLE (8/12/1881 5:14M Ashfield, MA)
DeMille had N. Chiron opposite Pallas (2 degree orb) with Jupiter exactly at the midpoint and is best remembered for “The Ten Commandments” in which Moses led the Hebrew slaves to freedom. On the set “He was an ugly, bald man in riding breeches with a whip. He wanted terror, he wanted confusion, and when he got what he wanted he would get an erection. Such that everyone could see; there was no missing it.” (26) Upon meeting a former employee he greeted him warmly: “I remember you. You worked for me about ten years ago on a picture. You were great, you were wonderful…why didn’t you ever come back?” The employee replied “Mr. DeMille, I never got over the first time I worked for you.” Staunchly anti-union and anti-Communist, DeMille compiled lists of those with leftist affiliations, destroying careers.
Prince (The Artist) (6/7/1958 6:17PM Minneapolis, MN Chiron= Pallas)
At the time Prince recorded for Warner Brothers, he blamed the label for limiting his artistic potential by releasing far less music than he was producing. The dispute began in 1992, when T. Chiron was opposite N. Chiron (and semisquare to N. Pallas). At that time he released a record using a symbol (glyph) rather than his name to avoid the limitations of the contract he’d signed with his name. In 1995, shortly after P. Pallas was semisquare to P. Chiron and T. Saturn in Pisces was square to his sun, he appeared in concert with the word “slave” drawn on his face.
Alexander Solzhenitsyn wrote his most famous novels about Soviet forced labor camps, drawing from his own experience. Decorated during WW2, he was charged with “founding a hostile organization” for a private letter he wrote criticizing Stalin’s conduct of the war and served an eight year sentence working a series of menial jobs in sub-human conditions–laying bricks in weather so cold, the mortar froze before he had time to place the next brick. There is no time of birth for Solzhenitsyn (12/11/1918) but N. Mercury=Pallas/Chiron is within 30′ orb, no matter what time of day he was born.
How you can use Pallas/Chiron
Some reliable ways to time a Pallas/Chiron event include a progression or transit of Chiron making a contact to Pallas, or the reverse, Pallas to Chiron. A station is particularly noticeable, but even a one day transit will reflect the symbolism in some way; a progressed planet or SA direction to the midpoint; Pallas=Chiron in the SR or LR (also look for any descriptive planets at the midpoint).
When you have the picture, avoid a career move that could come back to bite. If you have no choice, keep in mind the greats in history who’ve survived bad bosses and co-workers, unfair working conditions and assaults to their reputations–and have prevailed.
Particularly inspirational is the story of how Boston’s Symphony Hall became one of world’s top concert halls for acoustics. The founder of architectural acoustics, physicist Wallace Clement Sabine (6/13/1868 4:20PM RICHWOOD OH Pallas=Chiron=Aries=Asd. 58′ orb) was a Harvard lecturer with no background in sound. He was delegated a task that had been insurmountable by everyone senior to him in the Physics Department at Harvard: to learn why the newly constructed lecture hall was acoustically unacceptable and to correct it. He was low man on the totem pole and had no choice. Each night for the next few years, Sabine and his assistants borrowed seat cushions, rugs, a pipe organ and a stopwatch to perform thousands of measurements of the timing of various frequencies in different environments. Each morning, the materials used in the experiments were returned to the lecture halls in time for classes. This long, painstaking method resulted in identifying the most important characteristic for gauging a room’s acoustical quality, called reverberation time. This cemented his career and led to his assignment as acoustical consultant for Boston’s Symphony Hall, still considered of the best in the world. The unit of sound absorption, the sabin, was named in his honor.
©Faith McInerney
- Jimmy Hoffa Feb. 14, 1913 6:52AM Brazil, IN; Sun=Pallas/Chiron 3′ orb
- Ronald Reagan Feb. 6, 1911 4:16AM Tampico, IL (no natal aspect)
- Anna Wintour Nov. 3, 1949 London No T.O.B. Sun=Pallas/Chiron no greater than 30′ orb
- Henry Kissinger May 27. 1923 5:30AM Furth, Germany Sun=Pallas/Chiron
- Louis Pasteur Dec/ 27. 1822 2AM Dole, France Sun=Pallas/Chiron
- Michelangelo March 6, 1475 1:50AM Caprese Michelangelo, Italy Sun=Pallas/Chiron)
- Lee Gifford August 16, 1953 11:30PM Neuilly Sur Seine, France
- Bill Bowerman Feb. 19, 1911 No.T.O.B. Pallas//Chiron) the founder of Nike, became known for “Nike Sweatshops” Pallas//Chiron
- Dan White Sept. 2, 1946 8:13AM Bellflower, CA. Pallas=Chiron
- Harvey Milk May 22, 1930 1AM Woodmere, NY (no natal aspect)
- Bruce Jenner October 28, 1949 6:15AM Mt. Kisco, NY (Pallas/Chiron=MC)
- Tracy Austin December 12, 1962 6:18AM Redondo Beach, CA (Pallas=Chiron 1 degree orb)
- Burt Reynolds February 11, 1936 Lansing MI (Sun=Pallas/Chiron)
- Emily Dickinson December 10, 1830 5AM Amherst, MA Mercury=Pallas=Chiron 1 degree 22′ orb
- Carly Simon June 25, 1945 NYC No TOB Pallas conjunct Chiron approximately 1 degree 8′ orb
- Barbra Streisand April 24, 1942 5:04AM Brooklyn, NY (Pallas/Chiron=Aries=Mars)
- CB DeMille August 12, 1881 5:14AM Ashford, Mass. (N. Chiron opposite Pallas 2 degree orb, with Jupiter at the midpoint (2 degree orb)
- Prince (The Artist) June 7, 1958 6:17PM Minneapolis, MN (Chiron= Pallas)
- Solzhenitsyn December 11, 1918 Kislovodsk, Russia no TOB (N. Mercury=Pallas/Chiron <30′ orb, no matter what time of day he was born)
- Clement Sabine June 13, 1868 Richwood, Ohio (Pallas=Chiron=Aries=Asd. 58′ orb)
©Faith McInerney

Faith McInerney
費斯對於行星與小行星、凱龍星及海外天體(TNP)之間的相位與解析有深入研究,相關論文刊登於美國NCGR占星研究協會與烏拉尼亞協會(the Uranian Society)的出版期刊。她為烏拉尼亞協會網站撰寫專欄──「中點的角落(Midpoint Corner)」,而她的部落格──「中點瞭望台(Midpoint Observatory)」,每個月有超過1000次的瀏覽量。她經常以實務解析的角度,演講與相位相關的主題。2016年是她深研占星學第40個年頭的里程碑。