行星喜樂—月亮女神第三宮 作者:Demetra George



什麼會使行星快樂?首先有許多判斷行星在哪裡會快樂的條件:根據日夜星盤的區分,去觀察當行星所位於半球所在位置、黃道星座以及日相的狀況。然而,當行星位居特定宮位時,是最有力量的喜樂——水星喜樂於生命的一宮(Life),月亮喜樂於女神的三宮(Goddess),金星喜樂於好運的五宮(Good Fortune),火星喜樂於壞運的六宮(Bad Fortune),太陽喜樂於天神的九宮(God),木星喜樂於好精神的十一宮(Good Daimon),土星喜樂於壞精神的十二宮(Evil Daimon)。


古希臘學說與行星喜樂的關聯,是一個既簡單又優雅的模式:宮位的古老名字、行星的喜樂宮位、三分性主星和日夜區分的考量在某種程度上,以宇宙誕生圖(Thema Mundi) 對應黃道星座的方式為宮位系統提供了理論的基礎。但請注意,這完全與許多當代占星師所使用的12原型(12-letter alphabet)的方式不同,例如火星比做第一宮與牡羊,金星比做第二宮與金牛,水星比做第三宮與雙子。

然而,在本篇文章中我們先聚焦探討一個喜樂的行星,將如何在多重涵義的宮位中貢獻它的意義。在當代占星學中,第三宮的主要意涵是溝通、短程旅行和手足;古代文本稱第三宮為女神宮,點出這是月亮的喜樂宮位。神聖儀式、慶典以及夢境和占卜,都被包含在人類經驗的第三宮位裡。(Firmicus, Mathesis XX)


這裡我們看到了手足是三宮的基本意義。月亮女神瑟琳娜反映著兄弟的光,西元一世紀,Manilius以詩歌描繪第三宮:「⋯⋯讚嘆月亮,她是女神,她注視著她的兄弟,從天空的另一邊閃耀著在他身上的光芒⋯⋯」(Astronomia 2.910-17) ,第三宮手足的意義,直接從月亮的關聯延伸至此宮位。



魔法儀式說到:「畫月儀式。」月亮是最靠近地球的星體,因此它傳遞與接引了另一個神聖領域之流。月亮在第三宮提取了第九宮的宗教教條,並通過宗教儀式,神聖儀式和占卜來實踐。Vettius Valens寫道:「如果月亮是上升或幸運點的主星,並且與太陽一起位於第三宮,那個人將是一個祭司,或是偉大女神的女祭司。 如果是月亮與木星,他將是位先知。」(Anthology 2.14)在月亮女神的支持下,那些在第三宮有行星的人——「有些人接受神的啟示,他們預言未來,並且他們準備犧牲,禱告或獻祭」(Anthology,4.15)

第三宮也與夢境、夢想有關,並作為占卜的方法。在希臘神話中,瑟琳娜每一個晚上都會拜訪,她住在深山石洞的不老情人恩迪米翁。她為他生了50個女兒和1個兒子,這個故事帶出了在日食週期裡,有五十一個交點月的天文知識。在希臘南部,有一個瑟琳娜的儀式與夢境預言有關,問卜者將在睡眠中進行諮詢, 女神會在夢中透露他們想知道的事情。



現在,就讓我們來看看道格拉斯‧布洛赫 (February 22, 1949; 10:54pm; NY, NY)星盤中,位於喜樂宮位的月亮。他是一位多產的作家、老師與諮商師,他著書立作與探討心理學、療癒以及靈性方面的主題。




喜樂的月亮,透過摩羯座所形塑的文字與肯定句的應用,將第九宮更高層次的形上學原理,降低層次並帶進實際運用,得以轉化他個人的痛苦,並進而照顧他人。他著有《療癒的話:日常生活的肯定與冥想》、《傾聽你內在的聲音:探索內心真實的你並讓他引導你的路》、《我永遠在你身邊:鼓舞用語的寶藏》、《給孩子的詩與禱告與正向自我對話》。他最新的著作是 《從憂鬱症中療癒::12週讓心情更好和治療憂鬱的語句》,這被稱為是精神障礙患者及其家屬的「療癒生命線」。



譯者:Chendi 芊地

古典占星的首要五步驟-作者:Demetra George
美國占星師專訪:Demetra George(迪米特拉‧喬治)



Planetary Joys: The Third House Temple of the Moon Goddess

By Demetra George

Planets rejoice – that is they are exceedingly happy – when they are located in certain houses. And when a planet, like a person, is happy, it generally supports better more positive outcomes regarding the matters it represents in the life of an individual.

What makes for a happy planet? First of all there are several conditions where a planet rejoices when it is located in hemisphere, zodiacal sign and solar phases in accordance with its sect status in a particular chart. However, the most potent rejoicing occurs when planets occupy certain houses. Mercury rejoices in the 1st house of Life; the Moon rejoices in the 3rd house of Goddess, Venus rejoices in the 5th house of Good Fortune; Mars rejoices in the 6th house of Bad Fortune; the Sun rejoices in the 9th house of God; Jupiter rejoices in the 11th house of the Good Daimon, and Saturn rejoices in the 12th house of the Evil Daimon.


The ancient Hellenistic doctrine connected with the joys of the planets the ancient names of the houses, the rejoicing places of the planets, triplicity rulerships, and sect considerations in a simple and elegant schema. This schema provides the theoretical underpinning for the houses in a manner similar to what the thema mundi does for the zodiacal signs. Note that it is completely different than the 12-letter alphabet used by many contemporary astrologers where Mars is likened to the 1st house and Aries, Venus to the 2nd house and Taurus, and Mercury to the 3rd house and Gemini.

This essay, however, will narrow our focus to explore how a rejoicing planet contributes some of its own significations to the composite topics of the house. In contemporary astrology, the main significations for the 3rd house are communications, short journeys, and siblings. The ancient texts called the 3rd house by the name Goddess, citing that it was the place where the Moon rejoiced. Sacred rites and observances as well as dreams and divination were included in the 3rd house sector of human experience (Firmicus, Mathesis XX).

Looking to the schema, note that the 9th house, opposite the 3rd house, is the rejoicing place of the Sun and it is called God. The 3rd and 9th houses, God and Goddess, are the rejoicing places of the two luminaries and sect lights, the Moon and the Sun. Using derived houses, the 3rd house is the 7th from the 9th, the house of partners. Greek artists portrayed the Moon Goddess as Selene and the Sun God as Helios, the divine sister and brother, who drove the chariots of the Moon and Sun across the night and day skies.

Here we see the foundation meaning of the 3rd house as siblings. The Moon Goddess Selene reflects the light of her brother as poetically phrased by Manilius writing in the 1st century in his exposition that the 3rd house “…acknowledges the Moon as mistress who beholds her brother’s realms shining on her from the other side of the heavens…”(Astronomia 2.910-17). The 3rd house meaning of siblings is directly derived from the Moon’s connection to this house.

Some contemporary astrologers are puzzled as to the ancients classification of the 3rd house as “the least good of the good houses and the least bad of the bad houses.” In culture where primogeniture is the law of custom, the entire paternal inheritance of wealth, properties, and titles goes to the eldest son or male relative. This explains much of the long tradition of rivalry and hostility between brothers as evidenced in the biblical story of Genesis that recounts fratricide between the Abel and Cain.

The images of the Helios and Selene driving their solar and lunar chariots across the skies provide the explanations for the significations of long and short distance travel being placed in the 3rd and 9th houses. The Moon has a shorter journey around the earth, making a complete circuit in one month, in contrast to the Sun whose travel I much longer, taking an entire year, to circle around the earth (as perceived by those holding a geocentric view of the universe). In the course of short journeys through the local community, a person meets and greets neighbors and kin, exchanging news and information. This mirrors the many aspects that the Moon makes to each of the other planets in her monthly circuit through the entire zodiac. The Moon Goddess’ travels and contacts add the topic of communication to the 3rd house repertoire.

Magical ritual speaks of ‘drawing down the Moon.’ The Moon is the closest body to the earth and as such it transmits and grounds the effluences of the further divine realms. The Moon in the 3rd house draws down the religious dogma of the 9th house and puts it into practice through religious observances, sacred rites, and divination. Vettius Valens writes that if the Moon is lord of Ascendant or Fortune and is located in the 3rd house along with the Sun that that the native will be a priest or priestess of the greatest goddess. If the Moon is with Jupiter, he will be a prophet” (Anthology 2.14). Under the auspices of the Moon Goddess, for those who have planets in the 3rd house, “some receive revelations from a god, and they prognosticate the future, and they prepare sacrifices, prayers, or votive offerings” (Anthology, 4.15).

The 3rd house is also connected with dreams as a means of divination. Greek myth ells how each night Selene would visit her lover Endymion who was eternally young in a state in slumber deep within a mountain cave. She bore him 50 daughters and 1 son, and this tale passes on the astronomical knowledge of 51 draconic months in an eclipse cycle. There was a cult of Selene in southern Greece with a dream oracle which suppliants would consult in sleep. The goddess would reveal in dreams whatever they wished to know.

The 3rd house is linked to women’s spirituality and provides the temple for the worship of the divine feminine in all her guises.

We cannot entirely dismiss Mercury as having an important influence in regard to 3rd house matters, even though he rejoices in the 1st. In Greek-ruled Egypt during the era when Hellenistic astrology was being formulated, the Greek Hermes (Mercury) was assimilated to the Egyptian Thoth, god of the Moon, astronomy, scribe, and diviner of the mysteries. They merged into the composite figure of Hermes Trismegistus, whom later Hellenistic astrologers cited as the fountainhead of astrology, alchemy, and magic. This syncretism points to an implicit connection between the intuitive divinatory powers of the Moon and the rational intellect of Mercury that finds its highest expression in the 3rd house.

Let us now examine a rejoicing Moon in the chart of Douglas Bloch (February 22, 1949; 10:54pm; NY, NY), a prolific author, teacher and counselor who writes and speaks on the topics of psychology, healing and spirituality.


The Moon in Capricorn rejoices in the 3rd house and is co-present with Jupiter, which gives him a good mind with practical bent to his intelligence. At first glance the Moon in its zodiacal sign of detriment is troubled, especially with a square to the 12th house Neptune. With tendencies towards depression and melancholy, Douglas has suffered from periodic l bouts of mental illness, inherited from his mother, and has been institutionalized several times.

However the Moon in her joy has power, resilience, the ability to survive the hardship, and even turn the suffering into beneficial outcomes. The Moon is the sect light in this nocturnal chart and applies toward a conjunction (within 13 degrees) and thus bonification with the benefic Jupiter. The Moon is also as a whole sign trine with her domicile lord Saturn which is located in Virgo in the 11th house of friends. She rejoices not only in the 3rd house but also in her nocturnal sign of Capricorn and as a waning moon in a night chart. The turning point in Douglas’ recovery was coincident with an ongoing prayer circle by his community of his friends. This can be seen by the Moon ruling the 9th house of spirituality and receiving help from her domicile lord Saturn in the house of friends.

The rejoicing Moon transforms the personal suffering into the caretaking of others by bringing down and communicating higher metaphysical principles of the 9th house into practical application through the use of words and affirmations as shaped by the Capricorn filter. He has written Words That Heal: Affirmations and Meditations for Daily Living; Listening to Your Inner Voice: Discover the Truth Within You and Let It Guide Your Way; I Am With You Always: A Treasury of Inspirational Quotations, Poems and Prayers and Positive Self-Talk for Children. His newest works are Healing from Depression: 12 Weeks to a Better Mood and Words That Heal the Blues, which have been acclaimed as “a lifeline to healing” for those suffering from mental disorders and their families.

On a personal note, Douglas Bloch was responsible for providing the editorial and writing assistance for my first book, Asteroid Goddesses. Several weeks after he began working on the project, the Moon Goddess brought him the woman who for almost 40 years later has been his wife and muse. Douglas is also the co-author of Astrology for Yourself.

In spite of the inherent weakness of the Moon as seen in his own struggles with mental illness, it has infused Douglas’ life with the blessings of the asteroid goddesses, voice of divination, the elevation of intuition and inner spiritual guidance, and brought forth multiple foreign translations of his healing and recovery works. A rejoicing planet can overcome other difficulties of its condition and move one towards the joy of expression.