Preamble 前言»
A. General Standards 一般標準»
A.1 Applicability of This Code 守則適用性 A.2 Avoiding Harm 避免傷害 A.3 Boundaries of Competence 能力範圍 A.4 Interpretations and Forecasts 詮釋及預測 A.5 Responsibilities to Others 對他人的責任 A.6 Human Differences 個人差異 A.7 Personal Problems and Conflicts 個人問題及衝突 A.8 Sexual Conduct 性相關行為 A.9 Third Party Services 第三方服務
B. Confidentiality 保密原則»
B.1 Maintaining Confidentiality 維護機密 B.2 Consultations with Colleagues 徵詢同業 B.3 Confidential Information in Data Collections 機密資訊的資料收集
C. Advertising and Public Statements 廣告及公開聲明»
C.1 Definitions 定義 C.2 False and Deceptive Statements 錯誤或虛假的聲明 C.3 Unfounded Statements 沒有根據的聲明 C.4 Misuse of Astrology 誤用占星學 C.5 Organizational Misrepresentation 誤用組織代表身分
D. Business Practices 執行業務»
D.1 Solicitation of Clients 徵求客戶 D.2 Boundaries 界線 D.3 Referrals 轉介 D.4 Fees 收費 D.5 General Practices 一般執業
E. Teaching and Research 教學及研究»
E.1 Accuracy and Objectivity 正確性及客觀性 E.2 Active Participation of Subjects 主動參與的受訪者 E.3 Crediting and Citing Sources 讚揚並列舉資料出處
F. Resolving Ethical Issues 解決倫理爭議»
F.1 Confronting Ethical Issues 面對倫理爭議 F.2 Personal and Religious Views 個人及宗教觀點 F.3 Cooperating With Ethical Investigations 配合倫理調查 F.4 Improper Complaints 不當申訴
以下為1998 1998年10月10日增訂
Guidelines for the Resolution of Ethical Dilemmas and Complaints. 解決倫理困境和申訴的準則»
Informal complaints and resolutions 非正式申訴及解決方案»
Formal complaints and resolutions 正式申訴及解決方案»
Judging the Seriousness of Unethical Action 判斷非倫理行為之嚴重性»
All members of NCGR are expected to abide by the Code of Ethics.
咪娜夫人/Minna,台灣大學藥學系,美國康奈爾大學 (Cornell University) 醫療管理碩士。自大學時期開始研習占星,對浩瀚而神秘的西洋占星學有著執著的熱情,現在是三個孩子的全職媽媽,從自己和孩子身上體現宇宙運行的神秘力量。專研家庭占星、親子占星,自詡成為姐妹朋友們的家庭占星師!目前經營【咪娜夫人占星午茶之路】FB粉絲團。
Astrologers are dedicated to the development and enhancement of the human condition through an understanding of celestial phenomena as applied to human concerns. Astrologers are committed to honesty, fairness and respect for others. Guided by the objective application of astrological technique as well as a commitment to the improvement of the human condition, astrologers seek to increase understanding and compassion world-wide. They remain acutely aware of the need to understand themselves in order to understand and help others. Astrologers are aware of the immense contribution astrology can make to human knowledge and wisdom, and accordingly encourage inquiry and an open exchange of ideas both outside and within their profession. And above all, astrologers respect the potential power they hold to affect the lives of others, and accordingly strive for the highest levels of competence and diligence.
占星師獻身於發展和改善人類的境況,透過了解天象、應用於人文關懷。占星師承諾誠實、公正、並尊重他人。通過占星技術客觀運用的導引、以及進化人類境況的承 諾,占星師追求增進對整個世界的了解與同情。他們持續敏銳地覺察到需要了解他們自己、進而去了解並幫助別人。占星師知道占星學可以讓人們更有知識和智慧的 極大貢獻,因此鼓勵探索、並於業內外開放地交流想法。最重要的是,占星師顧及他們握有影響他人生活的潛在力量,因此力求達到最高的能力與努力。
A.1 Applicability of This Code 守則適用性 This code applies to the activities of astrologers in their professional work, as well as in their representations and use of astrology at large.
A.2 Avoiding Harm 避免傷害 Astrologers avoid making statements that could cause harm through confusion, misunderstanding or fear.
A.3 Boundaries of Competence 能力範圍 Astrologers provide services to the public- whether in astrology or in other disciplines- only within the boundaries of their competence based on their education, training and appropriate experience.
A.4 Interpretations and Forecasts 詮釋和預測
a) Consulting astrologers are careful to present their astrological interpretations and opinions with objectivity and appropriate qualifying statements, rather than as final or unequivocal pronouncements.
b) Astrologers make predictions only when they are derived from a conscientious application of technique.
A.5 Responsibilities to Others 對他人的責任
a) Astrologers respect the rights of others, including clients, students and colleagues, to hold values, attitudes and opinions different from their own.
b) Astrologers make every effort to refrain from any behavior that may reasonably be considered offensive, harassing or demeaning to others.
c) Consulting astrologers are careful to avoid manipulation of their client’s feelings and emotions.
d) Astrologers do not present their interpretations or opinions to their clients in a way that could intimidate them.
A.6 Human Differences 個人差異
a) Astrologers respect human differences, including those due to astrological configurations, age, gender, race, ethnicity, religion, national origin, disability, sexual gender preference, and socioeconomic status.
b) Should such human differences impair or compromise an astrologer in serving a particular individual or a group, the astrologer makes a conscious effort to ensure fairness and objectivity. Such efforts might include obtaining appropriate training, experience or advice. Otherwise the astrologer should make an appropriate referral.
A.7 Personal Problems and Conflicts 個人問題和衝突
a) Astrologers refrain from counseling individuals or clients with whom they have personal problems or conflicts which may interfere with their effectiveness or cause harm.
b) Astrologers remain alert to personal problems or conflicts arising during an astrology relationship, and take appropriate measures to correct the situation or to limit, suspend or terminate the undertaking.
A.8 Sexual Conduct 性相關行為
a) Astrologers do not engage in sexual behavior with clients or students unless such behavior is clearly separate from and outside of the astrological sessions or work.
b) Astrologers do not engage in sexual harassment. Sexual harassment consists of sexual solicitation, physical advances, or any other verbal or nonverbal sexual conduct that is offensive or that the astrologer should realize might be unwelcome. Sexual harassment can take the form of persistent or pervasive acts, or of a single act that is intense or severe.
A.9 Third -Party Services 第三方服務
a) When an astrologer agrees to provide consulting services for someone at the request of another, the astrologer clarifies the role of the astrologer and the extent of and limits to confidentiality with each party.
b) Astrologers do not attempt to manipulate a person’s behavior on behalf of a third party.
B.1 Maintaining Confidentiality 維護機密
a) Astrologers respect the confidentiality and rights to privacy of their clients, students and others who they deal with in astrological contexts. Confidentiality applies to the identity of and personal information about clients and other individuals.
b) Astrologers do not disclose personal information that is unattainable from public sources without the consent of the person involved as long as that person is living.
B.2 Consultations With Colleagues 徵詢同業 When consulting with colleagues, astrologers do not share the identity of the person or persons involved without prior consent. If unavoidable, they share only that information which is necessary to achieve the purposes of the consultation.
B.3 Confidential Information in Data Collections 機密資訊的資料收集 Astrologers seek permission from living subjects (such as clients, students and friends) before including confidential information in named data collections. Alternatively, astrologers use coding or other techniques to protect the identity of the subjects.
C.1 Definitions 定義 Advertising, whether paid or unpaid, includes all media, such as magazines, newspaper ads, brochures, business cards, fliers and other printed matter, direct mail promotions, directory listings, resumes, etc. Public statements include advertising as well as statements made in classes, lectures, workshops and other oral presentations, published materials, interviews and comments for use in all electronic media.
C.2 False or Deceptive Statements 錯誤或虛假的聲明
a) Astrologers do not make advertising claims or public statements that are false, deceptive, misleading or fraudulent, either because of what they state or suggest, or because of what they omit. This includes claims and statements regarding their training, experience, competence, credentials, organizational affiliations, and services.
b) Astrologers take responsibility for the content of promotional advertising statements made on their behalf.
C.3 Unfounded Statements 沒有根據的聲明 Astrologers willingly and openly reveal their sources of information, whether they be scientific, academic, experiential or mystical. Astrologers do not misrepresent their sources of information, and make every effort to verify their accuracy.
C.4 Misuse of Astrology 誤用占星學
a) Misuse includes gross misrepresentation of astrological factors used to make sensational and exaggerated claims in public statements.
b) Astrologers are alert to and guard against personal, financial, social, religious, or political factors that might cause them to misuse their influence.
c) Astrologers do not participate in activities in which it appears likely that their expertise or data will be misused by others.
d) If astrologers learn of the misuse of their work, they take reasonable steps to correct or minimize the misuse or misrepresentation.
C.5 Organizational Misrepresentation 誤用組織代表身分
a) NCGR members who represent themselves as such are careful to clarify whether they are acting as a spokesperson or as an individual.
b) NCGR members do not act as spokespersons or imply that they are spokespersons for NCGR without the authorization to do so.
D.1 Solicitation of Clients 招攬客戶 Astrologers do not make astrological statements, predictions or forecasts in the course of the solicitation of clients or students that are misleading either in their optimism or their negativity, or that are frightening or intimidating.
D.2 Boundaries 界線 Astrologers maintain reasonable boundaries with their clients, with the best interests of their clients in mind.
D.3 Referrals 轉介
a) Astrologers make referrals based on the best interests of the client or potential client. Astrologers only recommend other professionals who are to the best of their knowledge qualified, competent and ethically responsible.
b) Astrologers do not accept referral fees.
D.4 Fees 收費 Astrologers do not exploit recipients of their services with respect to fees, nor do they misrepresent their fees.
D.5 General Practices 一般執業
a) Astrologers take responsibility for informing their clients of their business practices, such as length and frequency of sessions and kind of work performed.
b) Astrologers make every effort to honor all commitments they have made.
E.1 Accuracy and Objectivity 精確度及客觀性 When engaged in teaching or writing, astrologers present astrological information accurately and with appropriate objectivity.
E.2 Active Participation of Subjects 主動參與的受訪者 In research projects that involve interviews with research subjects, astrologers are careful to consider the negative impact their questions may have on the well-being of those subjects.
E.3 Crediting and Citing Sources 歸功原著並列舉資料出處 Astrologers realize the importance of intellectual integrity. They are aware that the improper use of copyrighted material is illegal, and that plagiarism (the presentation of another’s work as one’s own) is dishonest.
F.1 Confronting Ethical Issues 面對倫理爭議 Should an astrologer be uncertain how this Ethics Code may apply in a given situation, the astrologer makes a good faith effort to consult with knowledgeable colleagues, organizational representatives, or with other appropriate authorities in order to choose a proper course of action.
F.2 Personal and Religious Views 個人及宗教觀點
a) Astrologers whose personal convictions or religious ethics come into conflict with those of a client or student are alert to the possible compromise of objectivity that may arise. In such cases, astrologers clearly separate their views from their astrological interpretations.
當個人信念或宗教信仰與客戶或學生衝突時,占星師應留意客觀性的妥協可能發生。在這種狀況下,占星師必須清楚地把他們的觀點和占星學解釋作區分。 b) Astrologers whose personal convictions or religious ethics come into conflict with this code clarify their differences where appropriate.
F.3 Cooperating With Ethics Investigations 配合倫理調查
a) Astrologers cooperate in ethics investigations, proceedings and requirements of any organization to which they belong. In doing so, they make reasonable efforts to resolve any issues involving potential breaches of confidentiality.
占星師必須配合他們所屬機構所進行及要求的倫理調查,如此,他們會盡力解決任何潛在破壞保密原則的爭議。 b) Astrologers are honest in their dealings with ethics bodies. Astrologers do not deceive or withhold appropriate information from ethics bodies.
F.4 Improper Complaints 不當申訴 Astrologers do not file or encourage the filing of ethics complaints that are frivolous and are intended to harm the respondent rather than protect the public.
—Revised October 1998
—1998 年10月修正
Guidelines for the Resolution of Ethical Dilemmas and Complaints.
An ethical dilemma is a problem that an astrologer is having in deciding on an ethically proper course of action. This could have to do with a particular situation confronting the astrologer, or with ethical conduct in general. There may be a question about interpreting a particular section of the code, about resolving a difficult ethics-related situation, or about resolving a conflict between two different sections of the code. An Ethics Resolution Coordinator (i.e., a member of the Ethics Resolution Committee) serves as a resource for resolving dilemmas. When an NCGR member is faced with an ethical dilemma, he or she may seek help from anyone, but the Coordinator will offer advice when asked. It is to be understood that such inquiries are for the NCGR member’s own information so that they can make up their own mind as to what to do. They are under no requirement to follow the Coordinator’s advice. The Coordinator is offering advice, not dictating conduct. It is also to be understood that all inquiries are considered absolutely confidential. For added assurance of confidentiality, an NCGR member may seek advice through a friend or colleague speaking on their behalf. The goal here is to help to raise the level of ethical awareness among NCGR members through open discussion of problems.
A complaint is a request for assistance from someone such as a client or student who feels there has been unethical conduct by an NCGR member. The job of the Ethics Resolution Coordinator is only to resolve complaints. He or she cannot be the one to lodge a complaint. The Coordinator is not a policeman. Generally, complaints can be of 3 types: 1) personal, 2) general, and 3) third party.
- Personal complaints come from a person who is personally and directly affected by the actions or statements in question. In an informal discussion with the person making the complaint, the Coordinator first determines if the complaint is covered by the code, and which sections of the code may be relevant. The Coordinator then discusses with the complainant various informal options for resolving the issue. For example, the complainant may simply decide to have the Coordinator bring the matter to the attention of the astrologer in question. Or, if the complainant feels more strongly, the Coordinator may offer to set up a mediation session to resolve the matter. At this stage the Coordinator acts as an objective middle person between the two parties involved. If an informal solution is not workable or acceptable to the complainant, a formal complaint can be initiated. However, the Coordinator should make every effort to find an informal solution first.
1. 個人申訴來自於當事人本身直接受到行 為或陳述的影響,在與申訴人非正式討論時,調解人先確定其申訴是否屬於守則範圍內,以及與守 則裡的哪一條文是相關的。調解人接著與申訴人討論,透過各種非正式選項來解決爭議。例如:申訴人可以單純的決定由調解人將此事提醒被申訴的占星師,或是, 如果申訴人感覺更嚴重,調解人可以籌備一個協調會來解決問題。在這階段,調解人扮演雙方當事人的客觀中間人角色。如果非正式解決方案不可行,或不被申訴人 接受,可以進入正式的申訴案;然而調解人應先盡一切所能以非正式方案來解決。
- General complaints can come from anyone acting on behalf of the public at large regarding things that affect groups of people in general rather than someone in particular, such as false advertising or unethical public statements. The first step here is to collect the facts and evaluate whether or not the complaint is covered by the ethics code. If so, the Coordinator then tries to make informal contact with the member in question to discuss the matter. In this informal context the coordinator tries to work out an acceptable solution. The Coordinator acts here as representative of the board of directors with full authority to resolve the matter. The Coordinator’s acceptance of an informal solution will be considered acceptable to the NCGR board of directors as well. If an informal solution is not worked out, the coordinator discusses the matter with the Executive Committee to decide upon more formal action. This can include a letter of concern, warning or censure, or in a very serious case, a formal hearing or revocation of membership
2.普遍性申訴可能是來自某一個為了公眾代言的人,針對某件會影響群眾的事件,而不是單一個案,例如錯誤的廣告或是違反倫理的公開論述。首先是收集事證,並評估 是否在倫理守則的範圍內。如果是,調解人會試著以非正式方式和被申訴的會員討論。在這個非正式的場合,調解人會試著找出可接受的解決方式。調解人在此扮演 充分獲得理事會授權之代表來解決問題,調解人所接受的非正式解決方案則將被認為NCGR理事會也是可接受的。如果非正式解決方案無法成立,調解人會和執行委員會討論出一個更正式的行動,可能是一封關切、警告或譴責的信函,或在一個非常嚴重的狀況下,舉辦一場正式的公聽會或撤銷會員資格。
- Complaints might also come from a third party regarding someone else, such as an astrologer who hears about a potential ethical violation through a client. The Ethics Resolution Committee cannot act on this. A third party complaint that cannot be verified by the person directly involved must be considered hearsay. However, a coordinator may be able to arrange through the third party for the person directly affected to come forth with their complaint in a way that feels safe to them. In fact the coordinator should make every effort to do so. Then the matter can be handled as a personal complaint.
3.申 訴可能來自於與某人有關的第三方,例如一位占星師從客戶那聽到一個可能違反倫理的事件。倫理判決委員會不能對此行動。第三方申訴人如果不能被確認是和特定 人士有關,則該申訴只能被認定為道聽塗說。然而,調解人可透過第三方和直接被影響的特定人士,以他們覺得安全的方式來處理申訴案。事實上,調解人應該盡力 而為,如此,該事件可被視為是個人申訴案件。
Informal complaints and resolutions
An informal complaint may be as simple as a phone call to a member of the Ethics Resolution Committee. An informal resolution may also be a simple matter of alerting the astrologer to a possible ethical problem in their work that they may not have been aware of. It can also act as a confidential warning to an astrologer about questionable ethical conduct, or a confidential deterrent to an astrologer regarding future conduct. The complainant can remain anonymous and confidentiality can be maintained for both parties.
非正式申訴案可能是一通打給倫理判決委員會的電話那麼單純,非正式解決方案也可能只是對被申訴 的占星師給予一個簡單的提醒,提醒他們關於他們在工作中沒有意識到的倫理問題;它也可能是對一位有道德行為問題的占星師所做的機密性警告;或是對占星師未 來操守進行一個機密性的制止。申訴案可以保持匿名,為雙方保持機密。
Formal complaints and resolutions
A formal complaint begins with a letter to the Ethics Resolution Committee describing the problem and stating that this is a formal complaint. The astrologer in question is sent a copy of the letter and is asked to reply. The reply in turn is sent to the complainant. At this point the Coordinator, who may have already tried to achieve an informal resolution, once again offers to resolve the matter informally. If this fails, the Ethics Resolution Coordinator may request another round of letters from the two sides, or may move directly to arrange a formal hearing. The purpose of the hearing is to establish the validity of the complaint and the seriousness of the offense, if any. This hearing may be in person or by a conference call. The hearing will be led by the Coordinator. If requested by either party, or in serious cases, the Coordinator may establish an ad hoc committee to serve at the hearing as well. After hearing from both sides and reviewing the case, the Coordinator (with the committee if there is one) decides whether or not the astrologer in question was acting in accordance with the ethics code. If appropriate the Coordinator decides on a course of action (again with the committee if there is one), and formally recommends this to the Executive Committee for approval. The Executive Committee may defer the decision to the full board. Possible courses of action may be: a letter of concern, warning or censure, or in serious cases, revocation of certification and/or membership. Appeals can be made to the Judicial Committee described in the by-laws. Decisions of the Judicial Committee could be also be appealed as described in the by-laws.
正 式申訴是指以書信的方式向倫理判決委員會敘述問題並表示這是一個正式的申訴案。信件副本會轉 知爭議中的占星師,並要求其回覆,此回覆將會被寄給申訴人。此時,調解人可能已經嘗試進行非正式解決方案,再次提供非正式解決此爭議的方式。如果失敗了, 倫理判決調解人可要求雙方再次發函,或是直接安排正式的公聽會。這個公聽會的目的是確立申訴案的有效性以及侵犯的嚴重程度,如果有的話。這公聽會可以是當 面進行或是透過電話會議。公聽會可以由調解人主導,如果有任何一方要求或是嚴重的案件,調解人可以成立特別調查委員會出席公聽會。在聽取雙方陳述及審查案 件後,調解人(或偕同委員會)會判決在爭議案中的占星師是否合乎倫理守則。如果調解人決定了適當的行動方針(或偕同委員會),並正式的向執行委員會尋求批准,執行委員會可以交由理事會決定。可能的行動方針包括:關切、警告、譴責的信函,或是嚴重的案件會撤銷證書及(或)會員資格。依據章程可以向判決委員會提起上訴,判決委員會的決議也可依據章程再上訴。
Judging the Seriousness of Unethical Action
Use the Code of Ethics as the minimum standard for ethical conduct. Use one’s common sense as a guide to the degree of seriousness of any violation of the code. Some violations can be very minor, others quite serious. Each situation must be judged on its own terms. Some questions to consider:
Was there potential harm or actual harm?
Was there a formal astrologer-client relationship, or was it informal relationship?
是否有正式的占星師與客戶間關係? 或只是非正式關係?
Was the member in question still a student? Was the member in question clear about their limits of expertise?
Were there other previous cases of unethical conduct with this member?
Additions and modifications to these guidelines shall be considered twice a year by the Coordinator and voted on by the board of directors.
—Adopted Oct. 10, 1998
All members of NCGR are expected to abide by the Code of Ethics.